In” Ways of Seeing”,part 3 Berger reports that advertising can make us richer in some ways by encouraging everyone in consumer, to buy more to change themselves and their lives. Even if the money we spend makes us poor. It creates glamour by showing people who have significantly changed and generating consumer envy. Also, glamour is a new concept for people in today’s life. It is for those who cannot accept that they are unattractive. Therefore, the charm has a certain commercial value, which is very important for advertising. Berger also explains the difference between what oil painting shows and what advertising photography shows. Their are many commonalities between the two, but one is should what their emotion are like when they paint and the other is commerce. It also reveals that society is changing constantly. People are no longer pursuing pure art, but more pursuing their charm and more wealth.
Category Archives: do not use
Blog post #3/ Wenjing Song
- According to “Ways of Seeing’’, Berger says that publicity is to give people suggestions to buy things, and convince people that they can reach an enviable state after purchasing a certain product. Publicity caters to consumers’ potential demand for purchasing goods and arouses consumers’ yearning and pursuit. Through a large number of advertisements, the potential needs of consumers are stimulated or the actual needs are strengthened, which will stimulate consumers’ buying behavior.
2. Although publicity and oil painting have many of the same references such as quality and ideals. But they are quite different. Oil paintings describe the property and lifestyle of the owner, while publicity is a lifestyle that people desire. Publicity motivates people to fight for more income to solve their anxiety about money.
3. One of the “dreams” he offers is the romantic love in the age of knights in the old castle. This image depicts a beautiful girl with a white horse. The image shows a sense of elegance and mystery. Let people see that and they will unconsciously imagine themselves as the beautiful girl in the image. This image is designed to impress people with memories and play a role in imagination, providing rich perceptual cognition to form unique visual effects. Let us understand in our own way.
Blog Post #2
In the video “the ways of seeing” John Berger’s states that to be naked is to be accepted of oneself true self and to be nude is to be seen naked by others and to be objectified. In today’s society women are still being objectified, but they are gaining more freedom over their sexuality and how they want to be seen . Even though women have gained some freedom over have they are viewed they are still being displayed for the male eyes. When a women dresses, looks or acts a certain way people have lots of comments on how she should of dressed or acts such as she should of covered up, change her attitude. No matter what a women wears or does she will always get comments it should be up to her to choose how she should be seen
Blog Post #2
As John Berger states throughout the video, the paintings in the Renaissance era are merely submissions to the male eye and really just a sight for the man viewing these paintings. While yes, the paintings of the women depicted in the paintings shown were pleasuring and stimulating the male audience, I’d refute that women today are being objectified similar to the ones in the painting. Now, especially in the world of social media and the modern world, women have more of a say and are free to do as they please. If they are posed in a way where they’re half naked, it’ll be due to their confidence. A woman who’s confident dresses how she wants to dress, not because of how a male views them. Or perhaps it’s what they rely on for their livelihood. Take modeling as an example. Women certainly do have a say over their images in the media, but it is definitely still determined by the male gaze. Men, whether we like to admit or not, have had our eyes caught by women on screen or tv who we find attractive. Almost kind of worshipping the view in a sense, whether it be a news reporter, an advertisement, etc. As photographs, images, movies, music videos, or portraits nowadays still tend to show women in a state of nudity, John Berger’s idea of sexuality within the images still in fact plays a role as the Renaissance paintings depict. Around the 11:30 minute mark of the “Ways of Seeing 2” video, images of women making eye contact to the viewer of the images are almost, if not, seducing in a matter where the audience is gravitated heavily.
Blog post 3
1.According to Berger, “publicity” is one way an owner promotes their business to earn more money and expand it. In the video, he mentions that pictures are the best way to attract attention for the consumer because in the picture everything looks perfect. Publicity persuades people to do something even if they do not have any money. Companies offer them a credit card on a high price of interest in order for the consumers to buy things that look good in their eyes. He mentions that publicity pictures suggest that if they buy this their life will be different, and more desirable.
2. When we compare oil paintings to publicity photography, both give us a totally different message. As we saw in the video, the oil painting promotes women’s beauty but most of the pictures contained women are without clothes. Artists used women in the pictures as an object that encourage sexuality but on the other hand, publicity pictures show the reality of life that is very important to see what is going on around the world, they truly show the true story of some unlucky peoples’ life.
3. He mentions three dreams in the video. A dream of the good life, the skin without a biography, and the dream of faraway places.
Week 2 Newsletter
Hi all,
I hope you are settling in to this strange semester.
Reminders & General Announcements
- By now you should be signed up for the CUNY Academic Commons and our course site. If you are still having problems get in touch with me ASAP.
- I have posted the assignment for paper 1. Please let me know if you have any questions. The due date for this assignment is not until October 16th.
- I also posted a video detailing how I will grade your paper.
- Next week, I will send out a brief survey to gauge what you think of our course plan, what’s working, what’s not, etc.
Completed Work
In week 2 you should have completed the following. Let me know, if you haven’t already, if you’re behind. We can work out a plan to get you caught up.
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Watch: Ways of Seeing, “Episode 2” by John Berger
- Respond: Blog post #2
Upcoming Work
By the end of next week, Week 3, you should complete the following tasks. Please let me know if you have any questions or difficulties accessing the material.
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Watch: Ways of Seeing, “Episode 4”
- Respond: Blog post #3
blog-2- Alfonso
In John Berger’s 1972 BBC video “Ways of Seeing,” Burger argues that women represented in Renaissance Paintings were made to satisfy and please men. In the minutes 13 into the video, John Berger states, “They are there to feed an appetite, not to have any of their own”. In my opinion I believe that this quote somewhat connects in society currently . When females post a photo to social media, they can edit it to fit their personality, or what they want other people to think. If women are looking for attention or already have an audience.. In the media, women can still be influenced by the male eyes.
Blog Post #2
What Berger stated in the Ways of Seeing still remains in our society, but to a lesser degree. Women are still being objectified, seen as objects to please the male viewer, but due to the influence of feminism, there has been a rise in the power of ones own sexuality amongst women. Women now, are more in control of how they’re displayed and you can see the change in visuals today. You’re now seeing a variety of female body structures, not only the “ideal” according to ones subjective point of view. Women are in control of their Image whether its paintings or photos. Their intent is to embrace the power behind their nakedness, redefine the “ideal” female body by showing recognition to the differences in women.
When it’s in a mans possession, it’s objectification. Men are the culprit of women being objectified. Women see how the man idolizes and praises their nude, it tells the women that her body gives her value and she is to serve the desires of men. Women do self objectify, but its reason is for the man, because they see how men give it importance and make it significant in their identity.
Ways of seeing, By: John Berger Blog post #2
Ways of seeing, “episode 2” by John Berger to me was very interesting to watch and gave me insight that I personally didn’t have prior. Given the fact that this episode was created and published in 1972 It is still very relatable today. In these Renaissance oil paintings from centuries ago the women are seen as sexual objects and this may be true but also these paintings In my opinion represent the beauty of the women, the delicacy of being a woman. It’s almost in a way praising the woman. John Berger states that these paintings of the women are only to please a man’s Sexual gratification. Though I concede that my own view is that it is also pleasurable for the women and they too find satisfaction in being doted upon. They seem to like captivating the attention of their audience. Specifically the male audience. The reason this is my belief is because In today’s world women have more control over how they want to be portrayed and many women project their nudity and sexuallity willingly. They feel gratification in how many likes and comments of men are seemingly Obsessing upon them. It gives them a sense of self worth. The fallacy in this is that it is only momentarily and women do feel the need for stability and connections more deeply than men who mostly just seek sexual fantasies. In other words Men and Women feed their own egos and pleasures in different ways. A young lady who was featured in the episode said a comment on how both sexes are narcissists and this is too my belief. Which is why I say both males and females feed their egos in different ways. “To be nude is to be without clothes” “Being naked is to be oneself” When John Berger went on to say this I found this to be very profound and very Insightful. Given that the women are naked as you see them and not as who they truly may be. Another commentary made by one of the ladies that caught my attention was, When she explained that these paintings were “unrealistic” to her and “unrelatable” due to the exaggeration in their robust and enormous figures. In Today’s World that is not the case a lot of women are following these trends of altering their image and enhancing their breasts and Buttocks to appear much more enlarged. I was stricken the most when another lady in the film stated that men have more sense of self as opposed to women. Although some may argue that but from my perspective I find this to be in some cases very true. In today’s Culture many more women go under the knife because they feel insecure in themselves. They use things like photoshop and filters In order to captivate the attention of the male audience. It seems that not much has changed as most women are still seeking the attention and dominance of the male spectator. All the while the She is continuously feeding her ego feeling praised by the men.
Blog Post#2 Wenjing Song
Berger argues about women nudes depicted in Renaissance paintings are images that please and obey men. I agree that men were the main force in society in the past. Women’s duties are to have children, take care of the family and obey their husbands. However, today’s female images are more independent and confident. Women pursue gender equality and no longer blindly cater to men. Nowadays, the images of women in life, advertisements or magazines are becoming more colorful. The image of women is not limited to the aesthetics of men. Some people may think that women are still pleasing men in magazines and advertisements today. But my point is that maintaining beauty is a mentality that both men and women have. Women showing their charms are also pleasing themselves and making themselves happy. In addition, the images of women in the media are no longer passive. On the other hand, Berger described that sexual behavior at that time was formulated within a framework. However, today’s sexual behavior and female roles are considered free.