Author Archives: Alfonso Vazquez

blog 8 -Alfonso Vazquez

  1.   According to DuBois, the meaning behind “ Sorrow Song” it talks about African American deep connection they have with the situations with discrimination, Slavery, and other meaningful things by singing deep in there soul, and talking about the culture, and freedom.  In Du Bois’s writing, African-Americans use music to express their aspirations. This music is not joyful mostly are sad and has a strong meaning in it. In each song. our generation, unfortunately, don’t know what they went there but from what we hear for each soundtrack music I can feel the pain that they are going through.  
  2.    I think “nobody knows” by Louis Armstrong is very significant. This song explains experience what I think most African Americans go through in daily life discrimination and racism. The violin playing in a sad way and Louis Armstrong’s way of singing make this song very deep. I can say that it makes me reflect on how African American is treated unfaired.  

blog 7

Damon Krukowski claims that record stores are ” marginalized, the rejected, the repressed” since most music outlets are online-based. Nobody buys records anymore because they are considered old school. More people nowadays believe that listening to music on record or anything that they used ‘ back in the days ‘ is just aesthetically pleasing, but the easier way is listening to it with headphones or through a speaker. The difference is that when you go to a record store you experience the real music feeling the beat of how they play an instrument and a good vibe, knowing about music history and the possibility of having a connection with the record. Now there are apps you can listen to music but you not going to experience the real sound of it, nor the history of it.   

blog 6

I think Damon Krukowski proves his point In how your voice can change in the microphone and being more sexually by just hearing the person voice, making you feel like the person is next to you. In my opinion, it can be compared to a.s.m.r but in words then objects.


  I think the most interesting part about sound in the history of A.S.M.R is it can be used to reduce anxiety. I have been struggling with my anxiety for the past 3 years and epilepsy my whole life. I in the past used to take medicine for my anxiety. Personally, I hate taking it, especially I didn’t feel like it did any good to me. Furthermore, taking a prescription medicine might damage your liver. That why you have to consult with a doctor.  Since I discovered a new method of controlling my anxiety, im looking forward to continuing to do my research about this I believe it might somehow help me with my case.

Blog 5-Alfonso

In episode two of the podcast, “Ways of Hearing”,by  Damon Krukowski explains how social interactions within spaces are becoming less accessible due to digital technology. Noting how earbuds and phones have taken us of our ability to learn our environment and energy around us. Technology also is part of our everyday lives, it is easy to be distracted by it. Although most of the time, I allow myself to intake the multicultural experiences the city offers. I also can relate to Krukowski’s perspective on it. Jeremiah Moss, a guest on the podcast, noted how he feels as if people create their own private space thru technology while out in the city. Personally, I can relate to sometimes zoning everything out with my headphones while I commute. I’m able to achieve a state of peace within the Disorganized world, a fast-paced setting of New York City by just simply pressing play on my music. Some of us don’t notice this type of behavior in our everyday life because we’re used to it. Growing up in New York, you’re forced to push aside the Chaotic sounds of the city. So for some, putting on earbuds may be seen as a form of peace and escape. But for most, it’s a way to avoid communication as Krukowski explained. I can obviously notice this type of action-behavior while riding the subway or walking the street, you notice people with their heads down and earbuds in. People walk right by each other, not saying a word. 

blog 4

 history shows, writers and photographers have played a big role in how we see society as a whole.photographer and journalists another people can give and shows the truth of what is happening in the world, however, know one can  never know whether what you are seeing is the whole truth. In the video ” Seeing the Race”, Martin Berger reveals how during the 1950s and 1960s photos of black people during the civil rights movement were used for comforting white people. Because most of the writers and photographers were white, they lean to show black people as the victims and can’t fight for their rights. Berger stated “ the photographs allowed white viewers to feel secure, and therefore more amenable to change”, and in illustrating blacks as victims, However, they never showed the strong side of them. their perseverance and the protest to get their rights.

blog 3- Alfonso

In” Ways of Seeing”,part 3 Berger reports that advertising can make us richer in some ways by encouraging everyone in consumer, to buy more to change themselves and their lives. Even if the money we spend makes us poor. It creates glamour by showing people who have significantly changed and generating consumer envy. Also, glamour is a new concept for people in today’s life. It is for those who cannot accept that they are unattractive. Therefore, the charm has a certain commercial value, which is very important for advertising. Berger also explains the difference between what oil painting shows and what advertising photography shows. Their are many commonalities between the two, but one is should what their emotion are like when they paint and the other is commerce. It also reveals that society is changing constantly. People are no longer pursuing pure art, but more pursuing their charm and more wealth.

blog-2- Alfonso

In John Berger’s 1972 BBC video “Ways of Seeing,” Burger argues that women represented in Renaissance Paintings were made to satisfy and please men. In the minutes 13 into the video, John Berger states, “They are there to feed an appetite, not to have any of their own”.  In my opinion I believe that this quote somewhat connects in society currently . When females post a photo to social media, they can edit it to fit their personality, or what they want other people to think. If women are looking for attention or already have an audience.. In the media, women can still be influenced by the male eyes.

Blog 1- Alfonso

According to Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein, writer should use the model of “entering the conversation” in their writing because to be able to become a strong writer you got to be able to listen to others points of views. The model “I say…..They say” , is important because that will help you understand the other person point of view, making it easier to have a stronger arguments. The advantage of using this model are that the writer will have a stronger understanding of their own opinion and the other person opinion. Knowing what the other person going to say is an advantage because you can provided more evidence in why you disagree with the other person. Disagreeing with a person is easy but backing it up it is hard and this model helps alot.

I agree looking at artwork will help you analyze other situation by thinking outside the box, showing you more details to figuring out a solution. For example in the video it showed that there was a crime and the police officers were gathering information about the crime scene by looking at picture and drawing of the crime. For example I am a visual learner I have to look at thing to be able to understand the situation. If I do not have a physical image presented I will not understand the situation. Artwork help complex situation by being able to provide more details. Lastly artwork is fun to look at.


Hello my name is Alfonso Vazquez im 23 years old, majoring in psychology. i live in New York City my whole life. My goal is to be a mental health counselor when I transferred to a 4 year college. I have been working as a Youth Advocate for 3 year, i enjoy working with kids and my job was the reason why i want to study as a mental health Couselor to help kids that might need an extra push.