Blog 5-Alfonso

In episode two of the podcast, “Ways of Hearing”,by  Damon Krukowski explains how social interactions within spaces are becoming less accessible due to digital technology. Noting how earbuds and phones have taken us of our ability to learn our environment and energy around us. Technology also is part of our everyday lives, it is easy to be distracted by it. Although most of the time, I allow myself to intake the multicultural experiences the city offers. I also can relate to Krukowski’s perspective on it. Jeremiah Moss, a guest on the podcast, noted how he feels as if people create their own private space thru technology while out in the city. Personally, I can relate to sometimes zoning everything out with my headphones while I commute. I’m able to achieve a state of peace within the Disorganized world, a fast-paced setting of New York City by just simply pressing play on my music. Some of us don’t notice this type of behavior in our everyday life because we’re used to it. Growing up in New York, you’re forced to push aside the Chaotic sounds of the city. So for some, putting on earbuds may be seen as a form of peace and escape. But for most, it’s a way to avoid communication as Krukowski explained. I can obviously notice this type of action-behavior while riding the subway or walking the street, you notice people with their heads down and earbuds in. People walk right by each other, not saying a word.