Dominik Kosmaty Blog post 5

In Damon Krukowski episode two of his podcast, “Ways of Hearing” he explains how new technology blocks people off to the people and environment around them via headphones and phone screens.  I can relate to this when I’m on the move through the city I always have my air pods in and I’m I do everything I can to avoid other people around me.  I also fully relate to Krukowski’s view on the roar of the city I also grew up on the top floor of an apartment looking over a busy street in Brooklyn.  I grew very accustomed to all the noises and ruckus of the street below me hearing it all day and night.  When I moved away for a few years out of the city to a more rural area where there was barley any cars or anything going on for that matter the nights were silent, and it was hard for me to sleep I found myself sleeping with the tv on throughout the night.  Along with all the sounds I can relate with him on the gentrification aspect the area I grew up in was mostly industrial all factories and plants.  It was where all the European immigrants came to work there was not much else going on.  When I go to revisit now its nothing but high rise apartment’s and hotels strips of bars and clubs and fancy restaurants the cost of living has also gone up exponentials little remains of the neighborhood it used to be as cost of living has gone up exponentially.