Author Archives: Jafari Daines

Blog post #7

In the Damon Krukowski “Power” episode, he discusses about the relationship between music and its consumers in the digital era. Back in the day, music wasn’t accessible like how it is currently. Starting off, going to the record store and buying music was the only way you can attain your favorite tunes, but with that in itself, that was an experience. you would go in and see a variety of art displayed everywhere, art you haven’t seen before. You were exposed to many different genres, songs, and artistry from all over the world. Comparing it to today, now things are way more efficient and simplified. With the expansion of big streaming music platforms, music that you enjoy is accessible at your fingertips whenever you want it. In these streaming services, you can search and listen to songs under a minute and be provided recommendations of other artists you may like in that category. The digital world discovered a new method in making the bond with art convenient for us, but the connection to the art has devalued since then. How we approach art now is very different from way back then. It’s a big world out there and there’s things beyond than a search engine.

blog post #8

  1. According to Du Bois, the “sorrow songs” signify the pain, struggle, and resilience in the days of slavery. They are slave songs that are a symbolical message to all slaves. These songs will forever resonate with any person of color in America because oppression still exists among black people and these songs are their history. The “sorrow songs” contributed to so much sound and music we have today. Its melodies, phrases, stylistic tunes are imitated by a variety of artists, including those that are white. The songs are treasured because they are composed of voices of black ancestors in the time of slavery. They were at first were misinterpreted and misunderstood, but it’s now looked as a beautiful voicing of experience of one’s life and circumstances. The slaves sang as a cry of help to finally be liberated and be accepted as equal individuals and in their singing, they tell their story.

2.  Swing Low, Sweet Chariot in my opinion is the most significant. It a song about crying out to being released from suffering and to be taken to heaven from all of this pain the slaves have endured. This song that was sang were those who were distressed wanting to get out of their current situation desperately.

Blog post #6

According to Krukowsi’s podcast, Ways of Hearing, episode 3 – Love, he talks about the dynamics of our voice and sound and how its utilized into our digital world. He points out that language is like a musical melody which I agree. Music is incorporated into almost everything in this world and language is rhythmical. In the podcast, the relation of music and language was discussed, it stated that Linguistics professors these days, forget the music aspect of language”We speak in a systematic pattern that is the foundation of language, which we learned to interpret. He also points out that the quality of sound has decreased with the increase of technology and that can affect the meaning of the words we use. Nothing amounts to being in the presence of someone listening to them “reconstructing” them naturally.

What I find the most interesting in this article is how sound can be used as an aid to help those sleep. Hearing the rain hit surfaces has much more affect than you would believe. It sparks those tingling sensations, and you feel at ease just off the sound. Sound is powerful as it can be used to set an ambience which alters the mood you’re in. People click on ASMR videos for relief from something I suppose.  



Blog post #5

According to Krukowsi’s podcast, Ways of Hearing, we privatize our space in the public with the usage of earbuds. The idea that is brought up in the podcasts infuriates me because I myself agree and discuss about this subject often. With the advancement in technology, we don’t take the world and its noise into account anymore. Us humans also don’t talk anymore; Our ways of communicating are artificial. We text, DM, or email to verbalize ourselves. We don’t call or arrange to be in the presence of someone as often. People now say I love you or were breaking up over a message. This shows that we try to avoid sounds in all forms, whether its outside noise or communicating with your loved ones.

 The Radio City Music Hall was made to establish a space where you can enjoy music while controlling the noise that interferes it. Krukowski compared earbuds to the venue stating that “Earbuds are like an auditorium without walls”.  My earbuds play an important role in how I visualize things, it enhances my ability to imagine, imagine a place other than here. But I don’t intend to estrange myself from reality, I just don’t find listening to the bus, the tracks of the train, or the rush of traffic amusing. That’s why it’s called white noise. Most people don’t actively listen to it. Every now and then though, I resort to tradition by removing my earbuds and listen to myself walk, hearing my feet hit the pavement and everything that surrounds me, including those private bubbles. 

Blog Post #4

According to “Seeing Through Race” By Martin Berger, he argues that the media that uses images of black Americans get more empathy from white viewers as opposed to them being united marching together protesting. I feel something in between. Although it’s good to include and show pictures of the long-standing harsh fight of oppression against Black Americans, but why when their united, protesting what’s wrong and standing up for civil justice together, it goes ignored. The media purpose is having an image and although they like to be diverse by giving recognition to minorities, they still manage their image regardless. Pictures showing violence and action, amuses people, it captivates them. We mostly hear about it in fictional books, or see it displayed on television, but when it’s happening, the media wants to show you it in its true form. It’s the same thing in advertising. They know exactly what’s going to make us read an article or click away to a headline. Pictures are messages and the more intense, the more emotions the viewer feels behind it. They still do this today in our current events as its effective in changing our society. It’s crucial to showcase the violence, because it will then just be silenced. The difference about racism back in the civil rights movement and today, is that racism in the present, is filmed. 

Blog post 3

1.Berger states that It influences consumers by telling them that this is desirable, this is what gives you value. After buying the product consumers will feel their lives have reached a prestigious status. Its significant because it tells us that without this product, we are the ones who are inferior. That in order to be idolized and enviable, you must manifest that (glamour) artificial reality into your world 

 2. The owner of the oil paintings was content with what was in his possession, it only increased his confidence within himself. Now Berger said, “Oil paintings and color photography share many of the same ideals, all of them related to the principle that you are what you have”. The owners of the paintings displayed what they had, they painted from “facts”, in which this signified their value. Their belongings spoke for who they are. Whereas the purpose of the advertising is for us to purchase what’s being marketed, so if we don’t incorporate that reality, we have nothing, therefore we are nothing.   

 3. The Dream of Night- By showcasing images that show people enjoying themselves, along with their peers. These images speak “good times” which evokes consumers to envy a night exactly what’s being illustrated. The product leaves this effect on your life. The Imagery manipulates you by complimenting you and giving you worth by having you idolized. The setting of “night” invites you in.  

Blog Post #2

What Berger stated in the Ways of Seeing still remains in our society, but to a lesser degree. Women are still being objectified, seen as objects to please the male viewer, but due to the influence of feminism, there has been a rise in the power of ones own sexuality amongst women. Women now, are more in control of how they’re displayed and you can see the change in visuals today. You’re now seeing a variety of female body structures, not only the “ideal” according to ones subjective point of view. Women are in control of their Image whether its paintings or photos. Their intent is to embrace the power behind their nakedness,  redefine the  “ideal” female body by showing recognition to the differences in women.

When it’s in a mans possession, it’s objectification. Men are the culprit of women being objectified. Women see how the man idolizes and praises their nude, it tells the women that her body gives her value and she is to serve the desires of men. Women do self objectify, but its reason is for the man, because they see how men give it importance and make it significant in their identity.

Blog Post #1

According to Gerald Graff & Cathy Birkenstein, the advantages are that you allow readers to have a better understanding of the statements and claims in your writing as they are a response to views in opposed to the individuals perception. “Entering the Conversation” gives the other side a voice. A voice that your readers may agree or relate to, and understand the context behind your words. It’s beneficial to incorporate this format because your writing doesn’t become one sided or biased.  You can simply say one thing, but has no value, and confuses readers, because what does it reflect off? Including this technique ensures balance in your craft as a writer. You can communicate your ideas effectively in the argumentative style.


Watching the two videos, I do find that analyzing artwork improves how we look at real life situations. Art has been here all along. From when we come into this world, its introduced as diagrams, pictures, etc. It’s applied in all aspects of life. The idiom, “look at the big picture” is contradicting as its perceived as the answer to a clue, when paying attention to the minor details has so much meaning and answers to what we question. A portrait can have so many messages unnoticed, as the piece of art has a different interpretation each time its viewed which showcases humans each own individuality. To understand a piece, you must inhibit the essential analytical and observational skills, skills needed in high demanding professions. We reflect off from what we see In art and act on it. We can learn so much from just a simple painting.







My name is Jafari Daines. I’m 20 years old & I’m currently a sophomore at LAGCC where I’m majoring in writing & literature. Sadly, this is my third attempt taking this course due to the first time me not wanting write the final paper, the second time, me caught up in my schedule because I’m a first responder and then corona broke out.

I’m back on board, so things will now run smooth. I love to read, write, and watch movies all day, everyday. I’m currently writing a book and will soon be done in December. I aspire to be a screenwriter for Hollywood.

I once lived in Los Angeles, I hated it.

Excited to start ENG 101, ………….once more 🙂