Author Archives: Octazea Robinson

Blog post 4

According to the book “seeing through race ” during the 1950-60s time period white controlled new wanted to show the violence of black people which was for beneficial for them since white had the power. The real things what were happening to black people were hidden but recently they have been getting light shined on what was happening to the people. The killing George Floyd lead to the protesting against police brutality and unfair treatment of the people that have been going on for longer than it show that. This protesting also gave people the opportunity to ally themselves and speak up on things that they know were wrong.

Blog post #3

  1. According to Berger publicity affects consumers by persuading them into believing that buying this product would make their life better . It shows how good the people who bought the product lives has turned out and wants them want to have the same or better experience from from what they have seen. ” Publicity proposes to each of us in a consumer society that we change ourselves or our lives by buying something more. This “more” that publicity persuades us will make us in some way richer, even though we will be poorer by having spent our money.” These goods would make someone feel good for getting a produce that makes them seem rich. Publicity is significant because it means good public relations which equals good business it is also significant because it makes people attracted to what you are selling. People liked to be envied or have a lot of attention so when they see something that will make them be watched the would get it.
  2. The difference between oil paintings and publicity pictures is that oil painting embrace and further show the beauty and qualities one already has while publicity pictures show something a false happiness or gives off the idea of a better life future. Oil paintings usually should the upper class people and have good the lived but publicity photos show things we could get whether we live good or not. oil painting life is something we would envy because of the class you in while publicity pics shows a life you will dream to get.
  3. One of Berger dream is ” The dream of later tonight “which is the having a good time while being surrounded by alcohol which makes people want to experience this kind of life. Usually when people see others drinking an having fun they even get mad people it is not something they do or they try to experience the same thing

Blog Post #2

In the video “the ways of seeing” John Berger’s states that to be naked is to be accepted of oneself true self and to be nude is to be seen naked by others and to be objectified. In today’s society women are still being objectified, but they are gaining more freedom over their sexuality and how they want to be seen . Even though women have gained some freedom over have they are viewed they are still being displayed for the male eyes. When a women dresses, looks or acts a certain way people have lots of comments on how she should of dressed or acts such as she should of covered up, change her attitude. No matter what a women wears or does she will always get comments it should be up to her to choose how she should be seen


Hello Everyone, My name is Octazea Robinson I am 18 years old and I just graduated high school earlier this year. Being in online school was very hectic at first since I never had any online classes before and it is much easier for me to learn face to face. I would like to become a veterinarian because of my love for animals so I decided that I was take part in the veterinary technology course . I’m actually not really sure how to use black board or to do certain things on computers so I would be grateful if you would like to offer me any help.