Category Archives: do not use

Blog post # 6

Damon Krukowski tells us the function of both analog microphones is the same. Their purpose is to transfer information and communication through multiple parties. Although they are intended for the same purpose, analog microphone happen to give a better perception of what the speaker is trying to say. Through analog microphones, tone and feeling can be understood directly. Digital microphones, however, are much smaller in size and do not truly convey how deep the meaning of the speaker’s speech might be. In the podcast, he states that “As Roman points out the sound of our voices on the phone have gotten worse as we’ve switched to digital but it’s not bc the mc have gotten worse… no matter how close we hold them to our mouths, there’s no proximity effect on a cell phone… the reason is that unlike the old analog phones, cell phones don’t transmit the full range of sound picked up by their mics.. they compress it to whatever engineers have decided was unnecessary data… the compression of our voices on our cell phones makes it easier to share over digital networks… they’re intended to get the essential information across… “. This proves that there is scientific backing behind why there is less character and presence in the voices over the phone since engineers want the communication simply exchanged.


2) I think that the sounds that ASMR was very interesting. I had not known that there would be different sensations, triggers, and feelings that this would bring upon me. I never truly pay attention to what I hear, it all just seems like, just a sound. It was eye-opening to realize how much of an impact sound has on the world.


Blog Post #6

1.In this episode, Kruskowsi’s ideas are essentially when he explained the how the world is more dependent on digital song than analog sound. People used to enjoy music show manually. Because of modern technology, people are not familiar with the real music sound. He also explained the real voice and the microphone sound differently but the way new technologies manipulate our thinking of hearing of sound. That’s real voice is lost in technologies. Kruskowsi said ” the biggest complaint from kid that they said that in song, if i understand one word than may be i ll be more interested about song”. Because of modern  technology, I agree with them,the sound does  not come the listener properly because we find several files about the lyrics on Youtube or Google.

2. when we listen, ASMR is  soothing. It allows us to decrease our exhaustion and increase our efficiency. Most people, before they go to to sleep, listen to ASMR. Natural sounds enhance our hearing capability. As an example, Before my every test, for instance, I listen to ASMR, it helps me assert my mind and strengthen my way of thinking that helps me to focus test time.

Blog Post #5

Kurkowski and his guest statements on New York’s loud sounds would be similar to mine because I  as well do hear cars constantly passing and driving by and I would have to agree with Kurkowski when he stated how it sort of “sounds like the ocean”. I would also like to include that it can be hard to sleep at times when sirens are constantly going off whether it can be an ambulance or a fire truck or even a police car. Sometimes arguments with couples or people in general breakout and I find it to be extremely annoying specifically because I am a light sleeper. They mention how it’s easier to manipulate what people hear thanks to the earbuds and the radio city desires them very much because it helps them take all their performances to the next level thanks to the fact that they can control and tailor the sound they produce on the spot. A women mentioned I forget who she is claims that earbuds make us asocial but i feel as if this is partially true but also if you look at it in a positive way it can also be a therapy as i personally believe that it is because I usually listen to relaxing or meditation music and that alone helps not to be distracted by my surroundings or sounds.

blog p0st 5

we all have been listening sound everyday our lives. Every environment sound influence differently in our daily lives and our society. In episode two of his podcast, “way of hearing”, Damon Krukowski  explain that New York noise different between before and now, and how new technology effect soundscape and people life. it also says that less sound and different in the countryside than city. people are avoided environment sound because  of new technology. New technology is daily part of our lives which is directly influence in our lives. people are isolating each other in this modern society.  I also have  same view  sound environment  like Krukowski. when I walk on the street, nobody notice each other and talk to each other. people even don’t notice they drop from their pocket. who are calling them. people are literally, avoided environment sound by earbuds and phone. similarly, Jeremiah Moss, a guest a on the podcast, said that how he feels about sound space in New York city. He complained that city moving so fast, it is out of control. people are privatizing in the public place. I can relate similar experience that most of time, I couldn’t hear micro sound around city. Now new city sound environment different then before because of covid-19. when we heard sound how we react the sound.  some of sound people should ignore but some sound how relate with us. we can’t totally ignore environment sound  it represent all society, culture, situation.

Blog Post 5

In Ways of Hearing Episode 2: Space, Damon Krukowski speaks about noise and his experience growing up in New York City. In Krukowski’s view, he describes the noise as “less of a roar and more like being hit with a massive wave of sounds and of people.” I believe that Krukoski is comparing the noise to waves of an ocean, as he further says that maneuvering through the crowded city streets was much like surfing. I agree with his sentiments having also grown up and live in New York City. Stepping out into the city from my apartment can often feel like being overtaken by a giant wave of noise. People, animals, sirens,and trains are the never ending sounds in my neighborhood. I agree that at times it can be overwhelming, which brings me to the next point that Krukowski brings up about earbuds and screens. He says “but here with all these headphones, it’s like we’re avoiding ear contact.” I find this to be true and often do this myself. When I put my headphones on, I do not feel obligated to interact with anyone. I can choose what sounds I hear or whom I socialize with. While I agree with Jeremiah Moss that “the public has been triumphed over by the private” I don’t necessarily see it as a bad thing.

Blog 5-Alfonso

In episode two of the podcast, “Ways of Hearing”,by  Damon Krukowski explains how social interactions within spaces are becoming less accessible due to digital technology. Noting how earbuds and phones have taken us of our ability to learn our environment and energy around us. Technology also is part of our everyday lives, it is easy to be distracted by it. Although most of the time, I allow myself to intake the multicultural experiences the city offers. I also can relate to Krukowski’s perspective on it. Jeremiah Moss, a guest on the podcast, noted how he feels as if people create their own private space thru technology while out in the city. Personally, I can relate to sometimes zoning everything out with my headphones while I commute. I’m able to achieve a state of peace within the Disorganized world, a fast-paced setting of New York City by just simply pressing play on my music. Some of us don’t notice this type of behavior in our everyday life because we’re used to it. Growing up in New York, you’re forced to push aside the Chaotic sounds of the city. So for some, putting on earbuds may be seen as a form of peace and escape. But for most, it’s a way to avoid communication as Krukowski explained. I can obviously notice this type of action-behavior while riding the subway or walking the street, you notice people with their heads down and earbuds in. People walk right by each other, not saying a word. 

Blog Post #5

It is just in human nature to want to be by ourselves once in a while regardless of how extroverted one might be. Sometimes, it’s because we just want to be quiet and private and out of the spotlight. This is an attitude that is shared by many people in New York City. One main area where this happens is in the public transportation system. Specifically, the MTA. In the MTA, it can be seen that there are many performers like singers, dancers, and there is often time also homeless people. There is a heavy amount of isolation in this area. David states, ” In Tokyo, people pretend to go to sleep to avoid eye contact. But here, with all these headphones, it’s like we’re avoiding ear contact “. This proves that people universally do not like communicating with each other. Many people, even in New York, go out of their way to avoid holding or initiating a conversation with each other. Therefore, people use headphones or earbuds to ignore other people.

His ideas do line up with my own beliefs and experiences. I do not truly like talking to people so I usually try to avoid eye or ear contact. I like listening to music or watching a movie while I’m on public transportation so that nobody talks to me.

Blog Post #5

In episode two of his podcast, “Ways of Hearing”, Damon Krukowski explains how social interactions within spaces are becoming less accessible due to digital technology. Noting how earbuds and phones have deprived us of our ability to process the environment and energy around us. With technology being a part of our everyday lives, it is easy to be overly consumed by it. Although most of the time, I allow myself to intake the multicultural experiences the city offers. I also can relate to Krukowski’s perspective on it. Jeremiah Moss, a guest on the podcast, noted how he feels as if people create their own private space thru technology while out in the city. Personally, I can relate to sometimes zoning everything out with my headphones while I commute. I’m able to achieve a state of serenity within the chaotic, fast-paced setting of New York City by just simply pressing play on my playlist. Some of us don’t notice this type of micro behavior in our every day because we’re accustomed to it. Growing up in New York, you’re forced to push aside the overwhelming sounds of the city. So for some, putting on earbuds may be seen as a form of escape. But for most, it’s a way to avoid communication as Krukowski explained. I can obviously notice this type of micro-behavior while riding the subway, you notice people with their heads down and earbuds in. People walk right by each other, not saying a word. It’s as if they were invisible.

PaPer #1 (Andrw Cruz)

Throughout time artists use their images to
develop or portray an important message without
having to use words. Artists use visual elements such as
color, proportion, balance, space, shadows or texture to help
us understand the messages their images withhold. A famous
imagine of “Rosa Parks” illustrates one of the most
important times marked in history when Rosa parks refused
to give up her seat in the bus to a white male. The hidden
message the artist is trying to portray is that no gender is
better than the other and that everyone is equal no matter
their race, skin color, ethnicity or culture.
As stated above color plays a huge role in how an
artists may try to illustrate a point of view or a main idea.
for example , cool or warm colors represent positive moods,
joyful or happy moments. In the picture of Rosa parks we
see black and white being contrasted or the opacity
lowered to create or give more importance to a certain point
in the picture. For example, in the image we see that Rosa’s
skin color is contrasted and the white male’s color is not
contrasted because the artist still has to illustrate the fact that
she is black and that the male was white. The artist tries to
illustrate that at the time she was forced to give her seat to
any white person that wanted it and she belonged to the back
of the bus like any other black person.
Artists also use “space” to illustrate any hidden
message. In the image of Rosa park’s famous moment in
history we see that there is a lot of space and that no other
people were shown in the image and that a lot of the seats
were empty. This just shows that in that time white people
had more supremacy and they were more important. The
space shows us that it wasn’t necessary for Rosa park to give
up her seat as there was so much space and other seats to be
seated at. The space in the back seats also demonstrate that
she could’ve been seated in the back of the bus because it
wasn’t necessary to seat in the front but the author is trying
to portray an act of rebelión and that she is trying to prove a
point even if that meant going to jail.
The Proportion and scale of the image shows their body
expresións and what they are feeling at the moment. Their
face is gonna show what the whole body is feeling and the
face will portray the movement of the body or how the body
would be positioned. For example in the Rosa park image
see that both Rosa and the white male have a frown on their
faces and than both bodies are positioned to express what
their face is trying to say. Rosa’s face shows patience and her
body language is expressing that she is waiting for
something to happen so the author is showing that Rosa
knows what will happen next due to the action she decided
to make. Anyhow the white males face shows that he
thinking or doubting. He is asking himself why “the black”
female didn’t access to give him the seat if she knew what
would happen if she didn’t. The artist also put their faces to
look away from each other showing that they have an
opposition and that they are enemies or on different sides of
the right.
Balance helps emphasize the main ideas because
balance shows mood and stability. Once again in the Rosa
park image we see that there is a lot of balance. Theirs no
sign of movement or instability. We see that everyone is
calm and no one is trying to move or do anything out of
place. This portrays the fact that Rosa got her point across
patiently and without and violence. She just sat there and
waited for something to happen.
The texture of the famous image of Rosa park does
not show a smooth surface or any smooth objects. This
shows that the time was really hard and that it isn’t a
sensitive topic. They way the white male is dress shoes a
more delicate texture like he has money and the way Rosa is
dress shoes she is humble a dress more basically and more
comfortably. We don’t see any soft textures in the chairs or
any object on the bus.
In art lines are used to indicate emotions, shapes and
motion. The way the artist uses lines in this image is to show
the structure of the bus, the seats and their faces. We see that
the bus has a wide space and the seats are empty. Some of
the seats have double space and can sit two people. We see
that where Rosa is seated another person fits but the white
male is placed in the back of her and not next to her. This
emphasized the idea that back then black and white were “
separate but equal” and the whole idea of segregation.
In conclusion, illustration is algo a great way to show
or emphasize a main idea. Artists have a lot of creative ways
to help people visualize their point of view and the
problem or solution is in an image. They use things such as
color, texture, shape and balance to emphasize important
points in their artwork. They’re is a lot digging to do but if
you pay close attention everything is in the details and the
way everything is positioned. Furthermore the main idea or
point of view the artist was trying to demonstrate in the
famous picture of “Rosa park” is that no matter your race
everyone is equal and we shouldn’t be scared to get our
point across.

Blog post #5

For years, technology have made all humans’ activities more confortable and easier. Nowadays, most of the people have a smartphone. Done that a smartphone is a personal device, it carries with it all its owners important information related to his or her live and most important, all his or her interests. This is the reason why smartphones are so important to its owners, they contain all its interests and preferences, making it more atractive than any other thing. On the second episode (named “Space”) of “Ways of hearing” by Damon Krukowski is argued how public spaces are getting privatized when people using their devices and earbuds seem to be by their own, like nothing relevant or interesting is sourrounding them. On the same, the guest Jeremiah Moss share that people moves in ” a private kind of bubble in which to move through public space”, meaning that people refuse to go out of their bubbles to socialize, enjoy or heed their sourroundings. The overall issue is that people don’t interact with the background noises or people, what creates a big bubble of indifference. My opinion, is that this is a conservative way to see it, because I know that I really enjoy public transport, for example, but the best way for me to travel is with my earbuds, with my favourite music and looking throught the window. I don’t evite people or public situations on purpose to mantaing my confort zone, but when i am going to use public transport I don’t expect to be interacting with the people that i would see at least if they are not on my intinerary but i would do it if someone need help or some kind of situation alike. What yesterday was the public square of socialization has been replaced by social media.