Author Archives: pabitra bista

blog post 8

According to DuBios , the significant  ” sorrow song”  it expressed  about black people’ deep pain expression in their soul , peculiar situation, real poverty, huge discrimination, during slavery was in the  African and American  history and culture. it also reflects the those people unseen power, hope, freedom, equality. In the article, the writer says that black people expressed their feeling by music in the world. They want to transfer the those melodied song generation to generation. they want to let information to new generation because they wanted freedom and equality between all human beings. they also want to motivate to next generation for own right and freedom. consequently, African and American are treated by equally.

In my opinion, the most significant song in this chapter is “you may bury in the east ” . because this song try to explain that they don’t have any fear about their death. they never scared about their death. They can ready to take any pain or punishments , they are for it. they are not afraid of it.  it is their strong power,  believe to the god.


According to the “power” episode Damon Krukowski concede that “marginal, rejected-the repressed” because the the powerful entertainment companies are all  going digital and they are online. I support his views. He cites that in the audio, a book store, online music all those have many information where we can get that will be very powerful, but nobody can get easily. so, its doesn’t benefit for them.  in my point of view that he try to explain that how difference between record and spotify.  This development of technology, music are done by computer using algorithms. we all hear music which we like it, and  for entertainment depend on our situation and mood. similarly we recommended to other people those music. we never realized  that being marginalized. however, do we know power in marginalized  music? no matter what , there are many things in this world which we never notice  that for powerful for people. similarly, music has same power.

blog post 6

1.In this episode ‘love’ “way of hearing”, Damon Krukowski acknowledge that “proximation  through analog and digital audio phone. He are comparing connection between people and these analog phone sound, digital phone”. Analog and cell phone don’t don’t make range of sound.  And, Digital phone is huge efficient and easier to share our voice around the world, but it this digital sound push away quality . I have mix feeling about it.  I agree with Krukowski way of concede that analog and cellphone don’t have full range of voice. its don’t have clear tune. Another hand, I don’t agree with Krukowski, ” digitalization is getting worse’. Digitalization is more effective . we can conversation facetime entire the world which make us closeness. We are taking online classes this during pandemic. Krukowski also says that ” sound of voice build a proximation”, every single people have different voice which give different feeling to other people. For example, my small daughter voice so sweet it makes me relax and stress relief. Another side, my mother-in-law’s voice give anxiety  because I feel her voice irritation.

2. As the article “How A.S.M.R Became sensation”, describe that perception, sensation. when  we see, hear, touch, smell, it  stimulus our brain and we response it. There some scientific data and experiment about A.S.M.R. it produces variety of sounds that make people feel relax, calm and enjoyable, and sleep. However, I saw the video in about A.S.M.R  that didn’t make me relax it tingle me.

blog p0st 5

we all have been listening sound everyday our lives. Every environment sound influence differently in our daily lives and our society. In episode two of his podcast, “way of hearing”, Damon Krukowski  explain that New York noise different between before and now, and how new technology effect soundscape and people life. it also says that less sound and different in the countryside than city. people are avoided environment sound because  of new technology. New technology is daily part of our lives which is directly influence in our lives. people are isolating each other in this modern society.  I also have  same view  sound environment  like Krukowski. when I walk on the street, nobody notice each other and talk to each other. people even don’t notice they drop from their pocket. who are calling them. people are literally, avoided environment sound by earbuds and phone. similarly, Jeremiah Moss, a guest a on the podcast, said that how he feels about sound space in New York city. He complained that city moving so fast, it is out of control. people are privatizing in the public place. I can relate similar experience that most of time, I couldn’t hear micro sound around city. Now new city sound environment different then before because of covid-19. when we heard sound how we react the sound.  some of sound people should ignore but some sound how relate with us. we can’t totally ignore environment sound  it represent all society, culture, situation.

bolg 4

According to the book “seeing through race” , Berger explained that about how white people discriminate black people and their right during the civil war (1950-1960) era.  At that  time,  white people wanted to  deprive all  discrimination activities and image of during the nonviolence protesting from social media. They  wanted to show black people’s violence. Most of  photographers, editors were controlled by them so real picture and story very hardly came out. However, some of images of civil war and  news were represented  the social media which helped them to get their own right. I highly agree with Berger that social medial  images are utterly powerful  to convince  to other people about what exactly happening there. Recently, we have evident about GOERGE FLOYED who killed by police brutality.  many protesters pros tested against the police brutality when people saw cruel image of Floyd’s. If that picture didn’t came out in social media  , nobody couldn’t protest. Even  some news channel wanted hided that picture.


According to Berner, Publicity pictures stimulate consumer imagination and  feeling to buy things. it purses  us, makes us buying  product, and feels more richer even though consumer are poor.  It is significant.  It is process of generating  glamour because publicity attracted people attention to buy things. if there is not publicity, consumer will not but things. publicity encourage, stimulate and inspire to get those things. publicity promote the marketing in this modern society.

oil painting and publicity photography  is somehow similar, but  there are some difference. Oil painting is classic art, it shows that history ,tradition, culture. it is used to real life owner. it carries own values and tradition. we can get knowledge  which old time of period situation, but publicity picture which inspire us to buy to fulfill our desire even we don’t need it. it is always promotion the product. publicity picture compel people to buy. in my opinion, oil painting is art, it shows that history, culture, tradition. it has own values which help us to study our generation, culture. But publicity picture promote  product to sale. it encourage people to live luxurious life style. these different are important  because oil painting has own values. publicity pictures is marketing . people  are always pursuing  get it and spend easy lifestyle. it gives people anxiety about money  if consumer couldn’t get it .

according to Berner, skin dream , it is process how publicity promotes their product  about skin, and try to convince people  that will have best looking skin after using this product. it manipulate consumer  to buy beauty product. They use famous model for advertising. They claim that how that product work in our body. they makes consumer believe  that consumer utterly want to get it and use it for all consumer desire.



According to video “way of seeing ”  John  Berger cites that discussion of nudity women pianting and picture .Berger addressed different point of view about women nudity art and picture. he mentioned phenomenon by using  European nude women painting. one  the one hand nude picture shows  that sexuality, ideal. on the other hand, naked painting implies that women’s timid and guilty,  still, most of companies are using women’ s picture  for advertising and promotion. those picutres shows that women  power and confidence. women picture are always judge by men. however,  it prove that beautiful women picture or painting  attracted men ‘s attention .negatively or positively.

blog post 1

  1. According to Gerald Graff and Birkenstein Book, entering the conversation explain about how writer writes  academic  writing and academic writing format.  It explain that first of all, writer always think about before  write essay. how to engage people conversation,  argue, debate participate which  helps people to deep critical thinking.  Second, It also says that how to response critic response. The page 5  demonstrates that structure of writing format. It also explain that  writer has to listen to others point of view , voices and ideas which help writer  to think intellectual  thinking.
  2.  From the smarthistory videos of “The Power to look”  and “how art can help you analyze”, it helps us to analysis about art and craft. The visualization always help us to understand closely about art. Art  demonstrates  culture, history ,tradition, renaissance work . so, I strongly agree this point power to look represents the three art presentation. first one king’ crown  presents the power and women support, second one represent modernization and third present art and performance. According to how art can help you analyze demonstrates art or picture senario help us to understand what is there. like doctor find out disease and police investigate crime.


HI, my name is Pabitra bista from Nepal. I have been living since 2007 in New York city.  I am two daughter of  mom and i also work. It is not easy for me to continue my study, but  I really want to graduate from college so I joined college late.  I used my all effort . I  just passed ESA 99 from LauGardia community college  last semester.  I am really excited  about ENG101.  I like to travel in my spare time because it makes me happy and help to get more information about places and things. I also like to visit new people too.


HI everyone , my name is pabitra bista fom Nepal. I have been living since 2007 in New York. I just passed ESA 99 FROM LauGardia college.  I want to be academic writer and fluent English  speaker. I like to travel  diversity Palces because visualization is my favorite way of learning about new things.  I also like to visit with new people because socialization   help to build our confidence. MY favorite food is Nepali food, and sport is Vallyball.