Category Archives: Blog post #2

Blog Post #2

In John Berger’s 1972 BBC video “Ways of Seeing,” Burger argues that women represented in Renaissance Paintings were made to satisfy and please men. 13 minutes into the video, Berger states, “They are there to feed an appetite, not to have any of their own.” I believe that this quote somewhat applies to modern women. When they post a photo to social media, they can customize it to fit their personality, or what they want other people to think. If they are looking for attention or already have an audience, they still might have to satisfy them. In the media, women can still be influenced by the male gaze. Most brands are aware of this as they may often use beautiful women in their advertisements to appeal to their audience.

Blog post #2 (WoMen)

Women is the most beautiful creature of god. But women used as an object in the society not as a subject. In 1972 BBC television project, “Ways of Seeing”John Berger explained that women always used as an Eye Candy for men, it does not matter with dresses or without dresses.

Many years ago, women used as sexual object in portrayed. Now women also used as sexual object. All magazines, Tv show, Award program comes with those who women who adjust with sexual object and attract the audiences. Nowadays, women have the platform where they post whatever they want. Few women are happily post their pictures as they want and few are not.

It’s all about how the feel about your appearances. But there is no  difference, still women used as sexual object for the society.


Blog Post 2 | Cinthia Duche

It is often said that the way women dress or act is to please someone. In Ways of Seeing, John Berger talks about paintings from many centuries ago and how they are portrayed in the painting as sexual objects, just to satisfy the man’s eye. Nowadays women have social media where they can post whatever they feel like it but behind the scenes of that photo is a big hassle. Women make sure that they take the right photo that makes them appear confident. This photo is just to please their audience which is her friends or followers. There isn’t much of a difference between now and back then, even if this was filmed in 1972 there hasn’t been much of a change women are trying to be confident and satisfy an audience.

Blog post#2

Throughout history, Women only considered how they appear to men and how they see them. When oil painting became popular in the west, painting naked women become something common and refer to it as a piece of art. However, Berger argues that women were only an object for male viewers she said that being nude is to be seen naked by others and not seen as oneself but as an object (whereas being naked is to be oneself). women were only seen as an object for other males to see and enjoy their body. One of the women in the program states “I cannot identify with them … enormous breasts… whereas with photographs you can feel that – nearly all the paintings are ‘idealized’ so very unreal with any deep down image that I might have of myself or of any deep down pleasure … I can admire them as paintings but they mean human beings to me” However, i believe that women today are not objectified the same way as in Renaissance paintings. I believe Women nowadays have a lot more power over their images in the media.they the ones who decide if they want to show their bodies or not. They have the right to say no. Yes, i think sexuality plays the same role in images of women today as what Berger describes. However, the difference is that the women who have the choice and no one else.

Blog post #2

In “Ways of Seeing” episode #2 by John Berger, they say “that woman constantly meet glances which act like nerves reminding them how they look or how they should look behind every glance is a judgment sometimes the glance they meet is their own reflected back from a view mirror.” I say it is true, a woman today is not in control of their own images in the media because they need to represent a brand, and that brand wants a specific look. The company can be a television show, a clothing line, a music label, etc. In businesses like these, women can be told what kind of clothes to wear, type of makeup to use, hairstyles that are permitted, or even how to speak to gain audiences, particularly the male audience. Most of these brands also use a woman’s sexuality to gain profit. Sexuality will always play a role in today’s images; men are idolizing women since the beginning of time, like in the picture “The Judgement of Paris,” where Paris gives an apple to the most beautiful woman. These similarities can also play a part in a woman landing a job in a higher position because of her beauty; she can represent the company’s appealing image to the consumers.

Blog Post#2

In the video “Ways of seeing” by John Berger talk about how woman are seeing as objectified by men in 1972 BBC. In that time art was nude and arts is something to look at. Today time model fashion they used woman as objectified.

i think women have control over their images. Women should have the power what to do with they body or images.  Now you see women of all shapes and sizes being them self.

i think sexuality play the same role in images of women today as what Berger describes,  women give the viewer and the seductive positioning of their bodies.

Blog Post Two

  Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein wrote that a true writer should state the reason they are writing their piece from the beginning. As well as constantly remind the readers of the reason they came up with their thesis. In doing so they say it allows the reader to not only clearly follow the storyline but come up with their own predictions on where exactly the writer is going.

  In John Berger’s 1972 BBC television project “Ways of Seeing”, John Berger talks about the history of women’s presentation. He makes points about women being trained to always carry themselves to be viewed by a man. Going into talking about the techniques in European artwork, where women were constantly painted in the nude. Although Berger feels that women used their bodies as art only to appeal to men in the past, I feel that this day and age women art sexuality is so much more. Women are no longer looking for the man’s approval of what is “sexy” or “what turns them on”. The woman in this generation uses their bodies to empower one another. When you look at some Lizzo, who knows that there will be people who think her figure is not your “traditional bathing suit, runway model, she still posts her two-piece bathing suit photos. Because she knows these are girls like her who see her as a the inspiration. Women now feed off the energy of other women. The bond of an unspoken sisterhood that we love to uplift each other. Even though there are still women who post strictly for the male attention as he states, women have come a long way. So I can only half agree with the statements made.


Blog post #2 Jiaqi Gao

  I’ve believed that today’s women representatives objectify them in a similar as the women depicted in the Renaissance paintings Berger argues about. He considers nudity an art form. To be naked is to be seen by others without knowing you. However, In European nude paintings, this is not considered art. The video mentions the development and changes of nude art in different periods. For example, in the book of Genesis, Adam and Eve did not see each other’s naked bodies until they had eaten the fruit, so the naked bodies were created in the observer’s mind. Then there is the striking fact that women have been subservient to men, seeing them as agents of god. It wasn’t until medieval art that nudity began to become secularized. The mirror became a symbol of female vanity. Also, the video mentions another mythological theme in the Bible, in which men judge beauty and not beauty by looking at a woman’s naked body. Moreover, in Europe 10 oil paintings, most of the nudity is intended to please the male audience owner. Even today, the way women dress plays the role they want to play. Self-image is more based on how other people perceive you. Even the image of women in the media is still determined by the gaze of men. However, in today’s female images, the role of sex seems to have undergone some subtle changes. They no longer think of men as narcissistic and think of men and women as narcissistic, but they feel differently. A woman’s jealousy is how she feels about herself, not just what other people think of her. We could even say it’s a product of human interaction, a product that builds a sense of self-worth. They just want to see the image they want and may even be ready to become liberators and find their true selves.

  In conclusion, although nude art has evolved in different ways over time, there are similarities between the way women are depicted today and the way women were depicted during the Renaissance. Women also have a new understanding and perspective on themselves.

Ways of seeing, By: John Berger Blog post #2

Ways of seeing, “episode 2” by John Berger to me was very interesting to watch and gave me insight that I personally didn’t have prior. Given the fact that this episode was created and published in 1972  It is still very relatable today. In these Renaissance oil paintings from centuries ago the women are seen as sexual objects and this may be true but also these paintings In my opinion represent the beauty of the women, the delicacy of being a woman. It’s almost in a way praising the woman. John Berger states that these paintings of the women are only to please a man’s Sexual gratification. Though I concede that my own view is that it is also pleasurable for the women and they too find satisfaction in being doted upon. They seem to like captivating the attention of their audience. Specifically the male audience. The reason this is my belief is  because In today’s world women have more control over how they want to be portrayed and many women project their nudity and sexuallity willingly. They feel gratification in how many likes and comments of men are seemingly Obsessing upon them. It gives them a sense of self worth. The fallacy in this is that it is only momentarily and women do feel the need for stability and connections more deeply than men who mostly just seek sexual fantasies. In other words Men and Women feed their own egos and pleasures in different ways. A young lady who was featured in the episode said a comment on how both sexes are narcissists and this is too my belief. Which is why I say both males and females feed their egos in different ways. “To be nude is to be without clothes” “Being naked is to be oneself” When John Berger went on to say this I found this to be very profound and very Insightful. Given that the women are naked as you see them and not as who they truly may be.  Another commentary made by one of the ladies that caught my attention was, When she explained that these paintings were “unrealistic” to her and “unrelatable” due to the exaggeration in their robust and enormous figures. In Today’s World  that is not the case a lot of women are following these trends of altering their image and enhancing their breasts and Buttocks to appear much more enlarged. I was stricken the most when another lady in the film stated that men have more sense of self as opposed to women. Although some may argue that but from my perspective I find this to be in some cases very true. In today’s Culture many more women go under the knife because they feel insecure in themselves. They use things like photoshop and filters In order to captivate the attention of the male audience. It seems that not much has changed as most women are still seeking the attention and dominance of the male spectator. All the while the She is continuously feeding her ego feeling praised by the men.

Blog Post #2 | Cherilene Guzman

Berger argues that women depicted in Renaissance Paintings are seen as objects solely present for the male’s gaze and pleasure. While I believe that this idea remains true to most of the representation of women today in advertising, I also think that there has been a shift in our culture, and women are taking back their sexuality in art. The objectification of women in our society is everywhere you look. Magazines, commercials, and ads often portray women as sexual items to sell random things like beer, perfume, or jeans. Parallels of the portrayal of women can be seen between Renaissance Paintings and a photograph in a magazine. Both women lay around showing submission and portray an ideal body type (large breasts, small waists, large butt). During the Renaissance, artists painted this ideal image, yet today, photoshop is widely used to achieve this standard of beauty. While this is not always the case in mainstream media and there has been a movement toward female empowerment, I do believe that advertising has a long way to go. Although aside from commercial media, I do think more artists and creators are slowly changing things. During the Renaissance, men were the ones creating these images. They painted naked women for their pleasure and to appease their sexuality among other males. They would paint this ideal woman “by taking the shoulders of one body, the hands of another, and so on”, Berger states. Men created these paintings and had power over how to portray these women. Today, more women creators and artists are taking control of how they are being seen. There are now art installations (like Maggie West’s installation “98”) of nude women by women that celebrate female sexuality without objectifying it because the subject is in control. Instead of being shown as timid, submissive, perfect objects, women are showing themselves nude as proud beings. Flipping the narrative from “women being nude has to be seen as objects” as nude women being a celebration of female sexuality.