Author Archives: Anthony Hernandez

Blog Post#2

In the video “Ways of seeing” by John Berger talk about how woman are seeing as objectified by men in 1972 BBC. In that time art was nude and arts is something to look at. Today time model fashion they used woman as objectified.

i think women have control over their images. Women should have the power what to do with they body or images.  Now you see women of all shapes and sizes being them self.

i think sexuality play the same role in images of women today as what Berger describes,  women give the viewer and the seductive positioning of their bodies.

Blog Post #1

#1 According to Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein, writers should use the model of “entering the conversation” in their writing because this model will help you to become a better writer. you can be able to listen to others point of view. The advantage of using this model well help you and others because you will understanding your opinion and the other person opinion.

#2 I do agree with the smarthistory videos. It help out your visual in art,crime scene,and life. If the police officers don’t look what out of place in the crime than he is not seeing the bigger picture and see what really happen or a doctor helping out a sick kid and ask some questions to him to see what making him sick. Than he need the right things to help the kid to feel better.