Blog post#2

Throughout history, Women only considered how they appear to men and how they see them. When oil painting became popular in the west, painting naked women become something common and refer to it as a piece of art. However, Berger argues that women were only an object for male viewers she said that being nude is to be seen naked by others and not seen as oneself but as an object (whereas being naked is to be oneself). women were only seen as an object for other males to see and enjoy their body. One of the women in the program states “I cannot identify with them … enormous breasts… whereas with photographs you can feel that – nearly all the paintings are ‘idealized’ so very unreal with any deep down image that I might have of myself or of any deep down pleasure … I can admire them as paintings but they mean human beings to me” However, i believe that women today are not objectified the same way as in Renaissance paintings. I believe Women nowadays have a lot more power over their images in the media.they the ones who decide if they want to show their bodies or not. They have the right to say no. Yes, i think sexuality plays the same role in images of women today as what Berger describes. However, the difference is that the women who have the choice and no one else.