Category Archives: do not use

Blog post #4 I Angel Zamora

According to the introduction of the book “Seeing through race”, Martin A. Berger states that the editors (who were mostly white) of newspapers and articles used photography pictures where the blacks were seen as victims in order for the whites to feel sympathy for them. I agree with Martin A. Berger because in today’s society it is still happening. For example, the whole George Floyd protests that were happening  weeks back, newspapers would report pictures of blacks in which were seen as victims and being beaten by the police. They did not show while the blacks marched together as one in order to show that they are fighting for their rights and justice to what had happened to George Floyd. Not too mention that there were many stories circulating around that he was armed or that he was not cooperating with the police offers when in reality, no one was reporting the true story. Newspapers then and now do not show the fact that they all march as one in order to fight for their rights and for justice of the inequality is happening in today’s society. Many would say that these newspapers and their photographs are simply trying to show you the reality of the news, but if that were the case then why show all the bad and make blacks seem like the bad people. Not too mention that they would make up so many stories and always leave some thing out making the blacks seem like “just another victim”.

blog 4

 history shows, writers and photographers have played a big role in how we see society as a whole.photographer and journalists another people can give and shows the truth of what is happening in the world, however, know one can  never know whether what you are seeing is the whole truth. In the video ” Seeing the Race”, Martin Berger reveals how during the 1950s and 1960s photos of black people during the civil rights movement were used for comforting white people. Because most of the writers and photographers were white, they lean to show black people as the victims and can’t fight for their rights. Berger stated “ the photographs allowed white viewers to feel secure, and therefore more amenable to change”, and in illustrating blacks as victims, However, they never showed the strong side of them. their perseverance and the protest to get their rights.

Blog Post 4

Over time, there have been countless protests and civil movements in order to enrich the government and make the lives of minorities better through government reform. There is a lot of violence against people of color from the police. Current media is showing the true colors of how corrupt the policing system truly is. Martin A. Berger highlights that the reason that newspaper writers and News anchors use alluring titles where they emphasize the current situations and events in hopes of more customers and viewers ( mostly white ), and this destresses them in a way. This has been happening for decades. The media taking the experiences and oppression of minorities in order to profit off of them. This undervalues and diminishes the entire concept. In order to help society to move forward and be better, the positives of minorities should be brought to attention, rather than just showing the negatives and creating a bad stigma around that community.

Civil Rights (Blog #4)

What do you make of Berger’s argument? Do you agree, disagree, or something in between? Use the information from Chapter 4 of They Say/I Say and the “Sheridan Baker Thesis Machine” and write a thesis statement in which you take a position on Berger’s argument.

Civil rights images depicting the struggle of African Americans in Birmingham, Alabama, during the sixties. I agree with Berger, who is not only focused on the significance of these visual images in garnering support for the black civil rights struggle but focuses that the way of documentary photographs of that era reveals as much about whiteness as they do about blackness. Pictures of black people photographed as they asked sympathy from white people. Berger illuminates “the role that the photographs played in managing whites’ anxieties about race,” but more specifically, “how white journalists and their audiences selected, framed, and responded to the most famous scenes of the civil rights era”(pg6).

Blog Post #4 Andrw

Oppressive and racist institutions still shape the material conditions of all POCs today. This also goes back to Martin Berger’s theory of how the media often featured photographs of black victims in order to attract sympathy from whites and to be able to cover the path of the civil rights legation of people not only of color but also everyone’s. But at some time, that law did not work or was not taken into account because whites had more power than people of color. the photographs could impede efforts to enact or even imagine reforms that threatened the racial power of whites all because they needed a more generalized display of the opposition. The black are shown as victims of violence and are shown as defenseless people. Although it was a good move to show the public these images in order to spread the word about the civil rights movement. images of protesters beaten by the police can still be seen in some current media. Rather than raise the voice of blacks and were able to protest together to them ultimately, they discredit what the movement stood for and now what the Black Lives Matter movement stands for today.

Blog Post #4

I agree with Berger that editors of newspapers and magazines choose photos based on their perception to attract white readers. In the 20th century, most white editors would choose photos with black Americans as victims in order to promote the interests of black Americans and not threaten whites. It can be seen that the editors hope to stimulate the emotions of white people and try their best to resolve the long-standing racial problem. In addition, it can be seen that the race issue is still very serious about George Floyd. There are too many black Americans who speak out for racial equality in the media pictures. The world is working hard for the issue of racial equality. The choice of pictures is very important to convey information. If you choose not carefully, it may intensify conflicts. Even though the white editor’s selection seems to weaken black Americans, it helped the racial movement.


Blog Post #3 Andrw

1.According to Berger, the publication is implied by the consumer that he needs this product because if he has it, his life will change in a drastic way and let him know. This can be made more influential with the help in some companies and businesses. This helps to improve the product making it more efficient. other people bought the product and say that this has worked for them other people buy it because they think it will be the same for example in the case of some prunings they assume that they use the product on the skin so that their skin looks clean and beautiful to that people lied to them to buy your product. the publication lies to the consumer to buy something that is not necessary but makes him feel richer.

2. Berger shows that advertising and oil painting may be the same but there is still a big difference. in the sample publication that the consumer needs the product for their life to improve. But in the ole painting it shows the difference of the product and the interpretations and failure of that said product. This is important because it gives the consumer that he does not need any product. over time changes in people seeking wealth and lifestyle become not only those who may own oil paintings.

3.Berger talks about “The Later Tonight Dream” is showing the public the best moment of your life. He says “we are all attracted to what we can achieve with pleasure but it is ourselves who cannot provide the greatest pleasure. Also Later Tonight’s dream shows images of exotic and beautiful countries so that it has the effect on the consumer of different types of imagining that this leads to yearning to travel around the world.


Blog post #3

  1. According to Berger publicity affects consumers by persuading them into believing that buying this product would make their life better . It shows how good the people who bought the product lives has turned out and wants them want to have the same or better experience from from what they have seen. ” Publicity proposes to each of us in a consumer society that we change ourselves or our lives by buying something more. This “more” that publicity persuades us will make us in some way richer, even though we will be poorer by having spent our money.” These goods would make someone feel good for getting a produce that makes them seem rich. Publicity is significant because it means good public relations which equals good business it is also significant because it makes people attracted to what you are selling. People liked to be envied or have a lot of attention so when they see something that will make them be watched the would get it.
  2. The difference between oil paintings and publicity pictures is that oil painting embrace and further show the beauty and qualities one already has while publicity pictures show something a false happiness or gives off the idea of a better life future. Oil paintings usually should the upper class people and have good the lived but publicity photos show things we could get whether we live good or not. oil painting life is something we would envy because of the class you in while publicity pics shows a life you will dream to get.
  3. One of Berger dream is ” The dream of later tonight “which is the having a good time while being surrounded by alcohol which makes people want to experience this kind of life. Usually when people see others drinking an having fun they even get mad people it is not something they do or they try to experience the same thing

Blog post # 3

According to Berger, “publicity “images influence consumers by stimulating our memories to desire to buy products and become models in the photographs. Our daily lives surround these pictures. The more you visually see them, the greater is the need to consume them. It is significant because when we see photos in magazines or on billboards, these illustrations stay in our minds and even our dreams.
These differences are essential because oil painting shows people’s history; their wealth is one of the uppermost importance characteristics. What they have and enjoyed around them were symbols of status and reputation. Simultaneously, publicity reflects more on the consumers’ wants and gestures of feeling glamorous one desires to have in their lives to enjoy for the consumer to achieve having them. The indicated reveals that people can have anxiety about money and that money is magical, but you continue to be the person you are having all of these things.
The dream of later tonight offered by advertising uses imagery to manipulate the consumer to have a good time drinking alcohol. The pleasures of being surrounded by friends and your better half, talking, and laughing, you feel the happiest in your life. But you are left feeling the same way you did yesterday. The difference you have spent money going to a lounge and purchasing alcoholic beverages. Therefore, the short period you encountered did not completely fulfill your needs.

blog post 2

Id say that i agree that sexuality still plays a big role in how women are captured today but the difference is that it isn’t controlled solely by the male perception. There’s a certain liberty to women being sexualized that represents more female empowerment and not so much insecurity or something for men to look at. Women now have control on how and for what they are viewed. During the renaissance these women were painted and everyone saw them the same way, now we know how multifaceted women really are , beyond a representation of sex symbolism they can be whoever they want to be not needing to be naked to draw the attention.