Blog post #2

The video of the “ways of seeing, episode 2, “John Berger argues “naked is to be oneself to be nude is to be seen naked by others and yet not recognized for oneself,” which is how women in the renaissance were looked as objects to please men during the 14th-17th century. As of today, women don’t have much control over their images on social media one has to, in a certain way to look interested/appealing, others might freely look at what they feel. In the video, the women argue,” I am a beautiful object. If not, I have to do something,” which I agree because men might not like what they see and lose interest. We women would try to fix the problem like what Berger said at the beginning of the video,” thus incidentally repeating the biblical example.” with adam and eve, they saw each other naked when they ate the apple. But I also have mixed feelings about it, like why can’t men appreciate the hard work women put out their image to show that they can also look professional and presentable.