According to Berner, Publicity pictures stimulate consumer imagination and feeling to buy things. it purses us, makes us buying product, and feels more richer even though consumer are poor. It is significant. It is process of generating glamour because publicity attracted people attention to buy things. if there is not publicity, consumer will not but things. publicity encourage, stimulate and inspire to get those things. publicity promote the marketing in this modern society.
oil painting and publicity photography is somehow similar, but there are some difference. Oil painting is classic art, it shows that history ,tradition, culture. it is used to real life owner. it carries own values and tradition. we can get knowledge which old time of period situation, but publicity picture which inspire us to buy to fulfill our desire even we don’t need it. it is always promotion the product. publicity picture compel people to buy. in my opinion, oil painting is art, it shows that history, culture, tradition. it has own values which help us to study our generation, culture. But publicity picture promote product to sale. it encourage people to live luxurious life style. these different are important because oil painting has own values. publicity pictures is marketing . people are always pursuing get it and spend easy lifestyle. it gives people anxiety about money if consumer couldn’t get it .
according to Berner, skin dream , it is process how publicity promotes their product about skin, and try to convince people that will have best looking skin after using this product. it manipulate consumer to buy beauty product. They use famous model for advertising. They claim that how that product work in our body. they makes consumer believe that consumer utterly want to get it and use it for all consumer desire.