Blog post 6 Dominik Kosmaty

  1. In this episode, Kruskowsi’s main point is basically that “the sound of our voices on the phone has gotten worse with the switch to digital.”  In a sense I can say I agree with him I also share the belief that the older corded style landline phones did make the person sound more like a person there was never any muffle or static it was more of a raw sound.  Personally, this doesn’t have a very big effect on me I am contempt with the way the sound is transmitted over the phone as long as I get my message across, this is another point Kruskowsi makes he says “cell phones don’t transmit the full range of sound picked up by their mic” he goes on to say that the sound on new phones is digitally processed and many parts of your voice are phased out to only get the essentials trough.  He does adequately describe the intimacy afforded by sound and there is definitely a drawback using digital i believe this drawback is worth the price for the convenience we have with the technology of today I can pick up my cell phone any place any time and speak to anyone in the world also the technology will only improve so who knows maybe one day we will have that personal analog sound with us everywhere we go.


2. “How A.S.M.R became a sensation” this New York Times article shows how much A.S.M.R. has been helping many people with many things such as anxiety or stress.  A.S.M.R. personally gives me a very warm and satisfying feeling especially when I’m very tired the video on YouTube was very good representation I have noticed myself how popular these videos have become on social media.

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