Blog Post #6

I agree with Damon Krukowski about how digital microphone does not provide as much proximity as analog microphone, however I believe that does not mean we don’t experience intimacy over the phone. Krukowski points out that “the sound of our voices on the phone has gotten worse with the switch to digital… no matter how close we hold them to our mouth, there is no proximity effect on the cellphone, everyone sound just as near or just as far as everyone else.” He explains that the voice we hear over the phone only delivers words, not much of the surroundings and therefore it loses intimacy. However, I believe that we can still experience intimacy through the tone of the voice. Even over the digital phone, we can tell wether the person we are talking to is happy, sad, concerned, and etc. In addition digital microphones enables us to connect to people all over the country, such as our family members. When we live in the distance a simple phone call means a lot to us because we get to easily have a contact with them and maintain great relationship.

What I thought was most interesting is that not all the sounds are pleasing to everyone, and we all have different preferences. Some people like the sound of nails tapping the table, some people dislike them, and other people has never felt ASMR. It is interesting to think about what might cause those preferences and wether it is related to their past experience, or maybe it is just the way their brain functions and contains the sound differently.

3 thoughts on “Blog Post #6

  1. Cherilene Guzman

    Hello Enako! I completely agree with your first answer and had a similar response. There is a different intimacy that can be found through digital microphones.
    Also, it is interesting to think about what might cause those experiences regarding A.S.M.R.

  2. Yonglin Lei

    Hi Enako, I agree with you very much, voice can use the digital telephone to talk with people, we can share our hearts and opinions, we can also keep in touch with relatives and friends.

  3. Khitam Shohatee

    ” I believe that we can still experience intimacy through the tone of the voice. Even over the digital phone, we can tell whether the person we are talking to is happy, sad, concerned, and etc.” We both have the same idea here. I totally agree with this, phons still makes us recognize the person’s voice and his/her emotions

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