Civil Rights (Blog #4)

What do you make of Berger’s argument? Do you agree, disagree, or something in between? Use the information from Chapter 4 of They Say/I Say and the “Sheridan Baker Thesis Machine” and write a thesis statement in which you take a position on Berger’s argument.

Civil rights images depicting the struggle of African Americans in Birmingham, Alabama, during the sixties. I agree with Berger, who is not only focused on the significance of these visual images in garnering support for the black civil rights struggle but focuses that the way of documentary photographs of that era reveals as much about whiteness as they do about blackness. Pictures of black people photographed as they asked sympathy from white people. Berger illuminates “the role that the photographs played in managing whites’ anxieties about race,” but more specifically, “how white journalists and their audiences selected, framed, and responded to the most famous scenes of the civil rights era”(pg6).