Blog Post #2

What Berger stated in the Ways of Seeing still remains in our society, but to a lesser degree. Women are still being objectified, seen as objects to please the male viewer, but due to the influence of feminism, there has been a rise in the power of ones own sexuality amongst women. Women now, are more in control of how they’re displayed and you can see the change in visuals today. You’re now seeing a variety of female body structures, not only the “ideal” according to ones subjective point of view. Women are in control of their Image whether its paintings or photos. Their intent is to embrace the power behind their nakedness,  redefine the  “ideal” female body by showing recognition to the differences in women.

When it’s in a mans possession, it’s objectification. Men are the culprit of women being objectified. Women see how the man idolizes and praises their nude, it tells the women that her body gives her value and she is to serve the desires of men. Women do self objectify, but its reason is for the man, because they see how men give it importance and make it significant in their identity.