Blog post #2 Jiaqi Gao

  I’ve believed that today’s women representatives objectify them in a similar as the women depicted in the Renaissance paintings Berger argues about. He considers nudity an art form. To be naked is to be seen by others without knowing you. However, In European nude paintings, this is not considered art. The video mentions the development and changes of nude art in different periods. For example, in the book of Genesis, Adam and Eve did not see each other’s naked bodies until they had eaten the fruit, so the naked bodies were created in the observer’s mind. Then there is the striking fact that women have been subservient to men, seeing them as agents of god. It wasn’t until medieval art that nudity began to become secularized. The mirror became a symbol of female vanity. Also, the video mentions another mythological theme in the Bible, in which men judge beauty and not beauty by looking at a woman’s naked body. Moreover, in Europe 10 oil paintings, most of the nudity is intended to please the male audience owner. Even today, the way women dress plays the role they want to play. Self-image is more based on how other people perceive you. Even the image of women in the media is still determined by the gaze of men. However, in today’s female images, the role of sex seems to have undergone some subtle changes. They no longer think of men as narcissistic and think of men and women as narcissistic, but they feel differently. A woman’s jealousy is how she feels about herself, not just what other people think of her. We could even say it’s a product of human interaction, a product that builds a sense of self-worth. They just want to see the image they want and may even be ready to become liberators and find their true selves.

  In conclusion, although nude art has evolved in different ways over time, there are similarities between the way women are depicted today and the way women were depicted during the Renaissance. Women also have a new understanding and perspective on themselves.

1 thought on “Blog post #2 Jiaqi Gao

  1. Jafari Daines

    Yes, they do have a new understanding of themselves. Usually now when they pose nude in a photo, it has meaning, either to show moms that you can still be sexy after having kids, that you can not fit the standards of beauty and be sexy in any shape, color, form , or show the beauty of pregnancy.

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