Blog Post #7

In the Power episode of Ways of Hearing, Damon states that “the marginal-the rejected-the repressed-is whatever the powerful have decided is of no use at the moment.” He also asks “But might it not be a key to alternate approaches-to art, to society-to power itself?” What Damon is trying to say is that most modern entertainment industries have abandoned the old methods of distributing and listening to music. They moved to the internet and no longer rely on record stores and vinyls. Even some music genres are not as popular as they used to be. These days, companies have a lot of influence on us now that they have algorithms that keep track of what we listen to. This allows them to make recommendations in order to grab our attention. Damon describes how entering a record store felt like entering a different world because of the atmosphere they would create. The main difference here is that record stores don’t take your personal information in hopes of retaining your attention to them.