Blog post 7

Damon asks” But might it [the marginal-the rejected-the repressed] not be a key to alternate approaches to art, to society-to power itself?’ Krukowski is trying to convey that maybe the overlooked and undervalued are vital to the discovery of different types of art. For years humans constantly push aside certain things due to the technological advancement of others. But what if people gave more attention to the traditional way of doing things? Maybe it can be an outlet for those trying to discover something that is in the minority rather than the majority. 

Music has the ability to demonstrate the deviations of the disparaged and the powerful. Krukowski conveys that big corporations such as Apple Music and Spotify heavily dictate what is played. This is due to the computer algorithms these companies input to manipulate what you hear. It is a prime example of the powerful using its resources to dominate and control what is used in society. Krukowski suggested that we can avoid these controlling algorithms by walking into a bookstore. But sadly in this day and age where big corporations have the technology to list millions of shelves of musicians in an instant, traditional bookstores cant compete. This displays how music can point out the differences between the powerful (big corporations) and the marginalized (book stores).