Blog Post #6 Revision | Rafael Rosario

I agree with Damon Krukowski that there is not as much proximity to digital microphones as to analog microphones, yet I don’t believe that means we don’t have confidentiality on the call. Krukowski points out that with the move to electronic, the sound of our voices on the phone has deteriorated, no matter how close we hold them to our face, the cell phone has no proximity effect, everyone sounds as close to or as far as anyone. He says that ” the voice we hear on the phone just provides details, not for most of the environment, and thus loses privacy. However, I think that we can still sense familiarity through the sound of the voice. We can tell if the person we speak to is happy, sad, worried, and so on, on the digital phone as well. IN digital headsets enable us to communicate all around the world with people, such as our relatives. A quick phone call means a great deal to all of us as we operate and we’ll get to it easily in the distance