Blog post #5 “Ways of hearing” By Damon Krukkowsi

 I can agree with the points that were made on the podcast “Ways of hearing” because it is almost like we are all in our private bubbles walking to and coming from our destinations. No one seems to look up and acknowledge what’s happening around them. Krukkowsi says ” Are you really here in this crowd with me? On this sidewalk , Moving together like we are all in the same wave.” Barely anyone says Good Morning or Good anything anymore. People barely want to be looked at or spoken to because they are warped in their phones. Everyone wears their earbuds and walks around like zombies. It’s like we’re all in different zones but standing in the same space. We are a vanishing City as they say on the podcast. In my own experience I can’t really tune out as much because I am a Mom of 2 active boys so when we are out and about I’m most definitely attentive to every noise and every movement around me. I also live in a noisy neighborhood and I would actually appreciate a lot less noise around me. This may also be one of the reasons people move around the city in private bubbles. Sometimes you may wanna get away from it all and putting on those earbuds is a form of escape. 

6 thoughts on “Blog post #5 “Ways of hearing” By Damon Krukkowsi

  1. Yonglin Lei

    I think you are right and I agree with you. Nowadays, many people walk or do anything with their cell phones in their hands and headphones in their ears, just like zombies, just like the opinion of bloggers. However, I think wearing headphones is not necessarily to escape but to focus on one thing

    1. Karlline Delacruz Post author

      I know isn’t kinda strange I feel so awkward at times when I say good morning and most times people ignore me. I just laugh it off which is the reason I don’t greet as much as I use to. Yeah the headphones do help people to focus on one thing.

  2. Milagros Thomas

    I completely agree with you when you write, ” Barely anyone says good morning or good anything anymore.” I remembered when I went to Florida over the summer, and strangers greeted me all the time. I think people who live in other states are much friendlier than in New York.

    1. Karlline Delacruz Post author

      Yes its very awkward I agree in some other states people are much more polite New York is a fast pace moving city people seem to not have time to say Good Morning or Good anything anymore I guess.

  3. Paul Fess

    Yes, it seems like headphones and earbuds have these two functions: on the one hand they limit our interactions with fellow citizens, but they also serve as a kind of refuge.

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