blog post 2

Do representations of women today objectify them in the same or similar ways as what Berger argues about women depicted in Renaissance paintings?

It isn’t a mystery that women across the world constantly get objectified. In the video ‘Ways of seeing’ John Berger goes back nearly a century to discuss how women were previously objectified. John states that women were viewed as exhibits to be looked at, in nude European paintings. Though in European society it was not viewed as objectifying, it was seen as art. The objectification of women in modern times shows similarities to how women were objectified in the paintings. An example of this can be seen at a well-known restaurant called hooters, where the female’s servers are in skimpy clothing. The women are meant to be displayed for viewing pleasure just like the paintings John talks about.


Do women have control over their images in the media or are they still determined by the male gaze?

Most can agree that throughout history the media has played a big part in how women present themselves. John states that in the paintings women had to look a certain way for them to be valued or considered beautiful. Although the issue of women having to appeal to the media image still exists, it is becoming less important. Fortunately, it is becoming widely popular for women to love their bodies the way they are. Women of all shapes and sizes are starting to have dominion over there appearance.


Does sexuality play the same role in images of women today as what Berger describes? 

As a kid, I never understood why if I was watching a certain show or commercial the women shown were oversexualized. John talks about how women were sexually displayed for male pleasure. In the painting, he points out the suggestive looks the women give the viewer and the seductive positioning of their bodies. John explains that these paintings were specifically designed to attract the likes of men. The sexuality of women in this era is used to do the same thing. But instead of paintings, they’re used in movies, music videos, and even video games. The entertainment industry is aware of how the male audience is attracted to women’s sexuality.

2 thoughts on “blog post 2

  1. Wenjing Song

    I agree that women of all sizes are dominant. The definition of female beauty is becoming more and more extensive. A free and open environment also brings confidence to women.

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