Blog post #3 Angel Zamora

1 – According to Berger in “Ways of seeing, Part 4”, publicity (advertising) influences consumers to change ourselves or their lives by buying something more. Doing so “publicity” persuades us to feel richer, even though we will be poorer due to the fact that we spent our money. Publicity promotes the illusion if we buy this product, our life and oneself will change drastically. This causes people to feel like they need that product in order to feel like they will be a “better” version of themselves and better their life. Publicity plays on fear of not being wanted, desirable, of being unenviable. Not too mention Publicity presents people who have used said product and how their life changed after using it. This causes you to envy those people which then leads to glamour, an attractive quality that may make people seem appealing. This is significant because publicity is promoting these products, making people believe that it will have such a significant impact on their life when in reality it won’t. People fall for it and end up pooper/asking for loans in order to obtains these products which are being false advertised. Not only that, but publicity uses peoples insecurities in order to make people feel like they need that product in order to be “beautiful”. Publicity affects our anxiety’s about money as well, making us feel like we need so much money to be able to buy all these products with exaggerative promises.

2 – The differences between oil paintings and publicity are important because it gives us a better understanding of reality. Glamour did not exist during the oil paintings because the oil paintings shows  what the person already he. It was not being promoted into making you think you need it in order for your life to be better as a whole. It showed what people already had without promoting it.  Publicity on the other hand makes people believe they need a certain product in order to be worthy and envied.

3 – Berger tells us about the “skin dream”, this shows how publicity promotes their skin product and promise you that you will have the best looking skin. Imagery is being used here to manipulate customers about the beauty and skin that they desire in order to be enviable. They use models in their advertisements who claim to have used said product and how it improved their skin which then leads to making the customers believe that they need that product so they can look just like the model with the amazing skin.