Blog Post #3

According to Berger in “Ways of Seeing”, publicity influences its consumers by providing them the illusion of appearing richer. The consumer is given the feeling of being cooler and having glamour. By buying the product, they can have a sense of superiority over others. Berger argues that the oil painting displayed the owner enjoying life with what he already had while the publicity pictures “appeal to a way of life that we aspire to or think we aspire to.” These differences are important because the oil picture represents how people should be happy with what they have and who they are. The publicity pictures show a fantasy world, one with the desires of a consumer. One of the dreams Berger describes is referred to as “The dream of later tonight.” The imagery used in this dream can be used to manipulate customers using an atmosphere that they desire. Everyone is happy and after all is over, they too will remain satisfied.

1 thought on “Blog Post #3

  1. Khitam Shohatee

    I agree with you about the oil painting. back then glamour did not exist. your social position was determined at birth as opposed to what you wear and how you look.

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