According to Berger in Way of Seeing Part 4, publicity is used to convey to consumers that they need that specific product. The item is portrayed in a way that shows that your life would be changed drastically. Companies achieve this by putting models or things that make it seem like the best product, for example in the skincare publicity they make sure to have models with clear and perfect skin claiming to be using the item so that people will envy and trick them into buying the product. Publicity tricks the consumer into buying things that they don’t necessarily need or are essential but makes them feel more “richer”.
Berger demonstrates that publicity and oil painting can appear different however there is a big difference. In publicity, the vendor is trying to convince the consumer that they need that product in their life for it to be better however in oil painting it shows the reality and imperfections of the item. It is confident and doesn’t need any attractiveness distracting the consumer into anything else. The consumer knows that they need this product and isn’t being tricked into it.
Berger mentions “The dream of Later Tonight” is showing the best time of your life. He mentions “Everyone is surrounded by what brings pleasure, but it is you who will bring the greatest pleasure of all.” People are shown having a good time with the alcohol and it makes the consumer envious of that life. Imagery is used to manipulate the consumers that with this certain alcohol you are guaranteed a good time.
I like your opinion. I also think that berger has different senses in publicity and oil painting, which can convince consumers to make the product more perfect while they need it, thereby increasing the popularity of the product.