Author Archives: Robert V. Lopez
Blog post 4
Based on the article, many photography stores would advertise the pictures with white cops or whites committing violent crimes against black people because they sold more often than a regular picture of protesters standing and marching with signs in their hands. They used this tactic of manipulation as a way to make more money as soon as they realized the benefits. They noticed that people were attracted to the drama and negativity behind these images. I feel as if this is wrong for the simple fact that if these are the only images you are advertising those people who have trouble keeping up with the news or times will think or may be confused into thinking that this is the only current and occurring events happening and with that being said it could fuel violence from both blacks and whites against each other. If anything all this is doing is making the greedy rich and instigating a race war and only causing hate, now don’t get me wrong yes those things in the image happened but it is immorally wrong to use these images just to put money in your pockets knowing what the consequences could be.
Blog Post #5
Kurkowski and his guest statements on New York’s loud sounds would be similar to mine because I as well do hear cars constantly passing and driving by and I would have to agree with Kurkowski when he stated how it sort of “sounds like the ocean”. I would also like to include that it can be hard to sleep at times when sirens are constantly going off whether it can be an ambulance or a fire truck or even a police car. Sometimes arguments with couples or people in general breakout and I find it to be extremely annoying specifically because I am a light sleeper. They mention how it’s easier to manipulate what people hear thanks to the earbuds and the radio city desires them very much because it helps them take all their performances to the next level thanks to the fact that they can control and tailor the sound they produce on the spot. A women mentioned I forget who she is claims that earbuds make us asocial but i feel as if this is partially true but also if you look at it in a positive way it can also be a therapy as i personally believe that it is because I usually listen to relaxing or meditation music and that alone helps not to be distracted by my surroundings or sounds.
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen
My Name is Robert, I am a Native of the Dominican Republic (No I am not a Republican I don’t believe in political parties). Too keep it short and simple I played baseball in high school, I enjoy physical activities such as lifting weights and boxing, I really like playing video games, and I enjoy cooking and learning new recipes. I’m very interested in world history and love learning in general about the world whether it can be people, places, animals etc. Now to get to the point I took a really long break from school after high school unprepared for what this world would throw at me and I can say it’s been one heck of a ride and through all these obstacles I’ve overcome It made me stronger not just physically but most importantly mentally, I always had the hunger to be successful and I realized working a minimum wage 9-5 would not provide me with the life I want and will get, I started to brain storm and tried to make a plan for myself and realized Laguardia would be the perfect place to start my journey, I am very excited for what is to come good or bad, I major in psychology mainly because I am very big on mental health and encourage everyone to take it seriously but anyways thank you for taking the time to read this.
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen
My Name is Robert, I am a Native of the Dominican Republic (No I am not a Republican I don’t believe in political parties). Too keep it short and simple I played baseball in high school, I enjoy physical activities such as lifting weights and boxing, I really like playing video games, and I enjoy cooking and learning new recipes. I’m very interested in world history and love learning in general about the world whether it can be people, places, animals etc. Now to get to the point I took a really long break from school after high school unprepared for what this world would throw at me and I can say it’s been one heck of a ride and through all these obstacles I’ve overcome It made me stronger not just physically but most importantly mentally, I always had the hunger to be successful and I realized working a minimum wage 9-5 would not provide me with the life I want and will get, I started to brain storm and tried to make a plan for myself and realized Laguardia would be the perfect place to start my journey, I am very excited for what is to come good or bad, I major in psychology mainly because I am very big on mental health and encourage everyone to take it seriously but anyways thank you for taking the time to read this.
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen.
My Name is Robert, I am a Native of the Dominican Republic (No I am not a Republican I don’t believe in political parties). Too keep it short and simple I played baseball in high school, I enjoy physical activities such as lifting weights and boxing, I really like playing video games, and I enjoy cooking and learning new recipes. I’m very interested in world history and love learning in general about the world whether it can be people, places, animals etc. Now to get to the point I took a really long break from school after high school unprepared for what this world would throw at me and I can say it’s been one heck of a ride and through all these obstacles I’ve overcome It made me stronger not just physically but most importantly mentally, I always had the hunger to be successful and I realized working a minimum wage 9-5 would not provide me with the life I want and will get, I started to brain storm and tried to make a plan for myself and realized Laguardia would be the perfect place to start my journey, I am very excited for what is to come good or bad, I major in psychology mainly because I am very big on mental health and encourage everyone to take it seriously but anyways thank you for taking the time to read this.