Author Archives: Amir Hanif Uddin

Blog Post #1

According to Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein, writers should try to use the model of “entering a conversation” while writing. This idea benefits less experienced writers, by showing them that their writing, at the very least and argumentative writing, should not be static. Your thoughts and opinions need to go somewhere or interact with others. No other analogy is needed than imagine that you are in a conversation, listening and responding to others with differing opinions, defending your beliefs, backing up others who agree with you but being able to call them out on matters you disagree with. This gives your writing a lot more dimension than just writing as though your readers won’t give your paper a second thought.

After watching the two art history videos, I do believe that observing artwork can help with someone’s skills of analysis. Something I really hold important is trying to understand the perspective of others. The same type of analysis can be applied to the external aspects of our lives. You can observe someone’s body language, their physical characteristics, their tone of voice. The ability to analyze people’s behaviors and actions gives you the ability to read or understand their thoughts without having to hear or read them yourself. Expressing things through art can be as powerful as expression yourself through writing/literature.




Hello everyone, my name is Amir Hanif Uddin. I usually just go by Hanif. I am a transfer student to LaGuardia, making me a freshman again. I spent a few semesters in Hunter College, and made a lot of mistakes during the beginning of my college career. I ended up leaving Hunter College instead of staying and trying to fix my mistakes as it just didn’t feel right to me. I am happy to restart my college career with a fair understanding of how higher education is compared to everything that comes before it.