Blog post #6

 1- Digital microphone and analog microphone are different and both give a different sound effect. According to Krukowski “the sound of our voices on the phone has gotten worse with the switch to digital… no matter how close we hold them to our mouth, there is no proximity effect on the cellphone, everyone sound just as near or just as far as everyone else.” I agree with this because analog is a wave which recorded or used in its original form, therefore, its more clear and close to reality, for example, audiotapes, old televisions while digital are the opposite and it’s not clear as an analog microphone for example phone that are provided now. Krukowski worries about how digital listening, threatens the quality of our listening and attention. However, I still think that sounds through the phone are good and we are able to recognize the person’s voice or his/her emotion through it. 

2- the New York Times article “How A.S.M.R. Became a Sensation” illustrated how A.SM.R became so popular over the past few years and how much it helped people with their stress and anxiety. It became one of the most popular videos on youtube which shows how much people like it as i stated in the article  “A tingling that spread through her scalp as the camera pulled back to show the marble of the earth. It came in a wave, like a warm effervescence, making its way down the length of her spine and leaving behind a sense of gratitude and wholeness.” A.S.M.R gives a really relaxing and calm feeling that benefits many people. I personally love to watch A.S.M.R. because it makes me feel relaxed and helps me go to sleep quicker than usual.