Blog Post #4

Throughout history, editors and photographers have played a big role in how we view society as a whole. News and journalists are the only people who can give and shows the truth of what is happing in the world, however, you can never know whether what you are seeing is the whole truth. In” Seeing the Race”, Martin Berger reveals how during the 1950s and 1960s photos of black people during the civil rights movement were used for comforting white people. Because most of the editors and photographers were white, they tended to show black people as the victims and can’t fight for their rights. Berger stated “ In depicting whites in charge, the photographs allowed white viewers to feel secure, and therefore more amenable to change, and in illustrating blacks as victims, they encouraged white sympathy for blacks, and hence more support for legislative action” However, they never showed the strong side of them. their perseverance and the protest to get their rights. I agree with Martin Berger because this kind of strategies still happing in social media today. For example, the death of  George Floyd where they only showed the violence that black has been causing in some protests and spread it everywhere but they never showed the other peaceful protest. This needs to change. The media need to cover what is happening and show everything 

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