Blog post # 3

According to Berger, “publicity “images influence consumers by stimulating our memories to desire to buy products and become models in the photographs. Our daily lives surround these pictures. The more you visually see them, the greater is the need to consume them. It is significant because when we see photos in magazines or on billboards, these illustrations stay in our minds and even our dreams.
These differences are essential because oil painting shows people’s history; their wealth is one of the uppermost importance characteristics. What they have and enjoyed around them were symbols of status and reputation. Simultaneously, publicity reflects more on the consumers’ wants and gestures of feeling glamorous one desires to have in their lives to enjoy for the consumer to achieve having them. The indicated reveals that people can have anxiety about money and that money is magical, but you continue to be the person you are having all of these things.
The dream of later tonight offered by advertising uses imagery to manipulate the consumer to have a good time drinking alcohol. The pleasures of being surrounded by friends and your better half, talking, and laughing, you feel the happiest in your life. But you are left feeling the same way you did yesterday. The difference you have spent money going to a lounge and purchasing alcoholic beverages. Therefore, the short period you encountered did not completely fulfill your needs.