Rafael Rosario | Blog Post #2

I feel like representations of women today objectify them in the same way as what Berger argues about women depicted in Renaissance paintings because it’s true what he stated. Whenever a female takes a provocative photos she always seeks something after, whether it is a like under the photo or a compliment. I personally feel like women doesn’t have control over their images in the media and are they still determined by the male gaze. If a women posts a photo with intentions of just boosting her self confidence, the male in her comments would change that. So instead of her posting it for her liking, she’s posting it to be judge by men who view it. Sexuality can sometimes play a role in women’s photo but often times it is men who are the majority critics. what Berger was focusing on is still very true. Women’s photos are  still very male-driven

2 thoughts on “Rafael Rosario | Blog Post #2

  1. Enako Hori

    I agree with you about posting the photos to get them judged by other people. Even though women are less judged compared to the past because of many movements against fat shaming or other types of judgement that make women uncomfortable or unhealthy, it is still true that photos of women posing sexually or dressing fancier are more popular and typically get more “likes” compared to a picture of an natural everyday life, which may not seem as appealing to some of the men viewers.

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