In discussion of nudity, one controversial issue has been raised. On one hand, Jhon Berger argues that to be naked is for oneself only and to be nude is to be seen by others for their pleasures. On the other hand, Kennet Klark feels that to be nude is a form or art, and not for a man’s satisfaction. I believe nude women have been used as objecta for centuries and don’t think that this mindset has been changed yet. Womens’ images are being used for advertising by millions of companies. I have to admit it gets the audience attention quite well. Makings profits by using woman’s sexuality is one of the biggest industries by itself. For instance, if woman is being used as a bait for fishing audience, doesn’t that objectify her? In Renaissance paintings, we see women who appear shy and unhappy to be seen naked. Moreover, the mans’ image seems to be judging her for being naked and also seems to be nice to the most attractive girl in the painting. This contradiction proves to us that beautiful women always get attention, either in a positive or negative way. I believe at least, the shy and guilty image on a woman’s face has been changed and women in paintings project confidence and power. However, It doesn’t change the fact that women are always being seen as an appealing object for mens’ eyes.
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